One of the Best Day Dreams So Far

I've shared this blog before, but had to share what my friend Lori sent me today! LOVE IT! Thanks Lori.

I am over here today....

"Cocoa" asked me to contribute to her month of "Celebrating the Family" (check out all of the posts if you get a won't regret it) with the topic on "How to Teach Our Children Love".  I share a story about my Dad that has always meant a lot to me.

You can check it out HERE

Hope this find's you all having a great day!

I love this guy!

Stevenson House News...

I mentioned in my last post that some exciting things are happening in the Stevenson home.  Are you ready to hear about them?

First off, Jeff is almost finished with his masters program.  Just one more correspondence course (hooray he's home at night) left!  I cannot wait to proclaim him done and graduated...soon...soon.

But the really big news is WE ARE HAVING ANOTHER BABY!

We are excited to add baby number 4 in March!  We started out our family with the twins who were actually in-vitro babies...we thought we would probably need to start saving for our next round when we found out (on the twins' six-month birthday) that I was pregnant with Norah.  It seems we are cured! :)

I've been very tired and very sick this time which hasn't been fun of course but things are looking up and I'm feeling better and more energized every day....HOORAY!

Anyway, that is our exciting news over here!  Anyone else due close the same time?

September Outfit of the Month

Hello, Hello.  Yes I am still alive over here.  Life has changed in some exciting ways here at the Stevenson home (which I will tell you more about soon).  Until then, just thought I'd show you what those who are members of the Outfit of the Month Club got for the month of September:

I loved the poem from John Updike.  Just exactly what September means to me!  We are doing a little Preschool Co-op with some of our friends from church.  There are about five other kids that the girls get to see on Sunday and now will see twice a week on Tuesdays and Thursdays.  Each mom takes a week to host it at her home and provide a little lesson and treat.  Next week I get to have it here in our home and we are going to learn all about apples and the letter "A"!

How is everything where you are? Are you into September full swing or still wishing it were Summer?  I love seeing the "First Day of School" if you've posted any, please share!