Happy Valentines Day...Enjoy 20 percent Off...

"For it was not into my ear you whispered, but into my heart.  It was not my lips you kissed, but my soul." -Judy Garland

 This is a new tradition we started this year.  Valentine's mailboxes.  My sister sent me the custom vinyl stickers (she'll make anything so if you ever need some vinyl cut, contact her!) for each $1 mailbox I found at Target.  There are boxes for Jeff and me too.  Anyway, the idea is simple.  I put them out in the beginning of February and we put sweet little notes and treats to each other up until Valentines day.  The girls love waking up to see what is in their mailbox and it has been fun to help them make little notes for Daddy and each other.

 Today, I put the treats that Grandma and Grandpa A sent.  They were so excited!

Happy Valentines Day!

Enjoy an extra 20% off everything!  Code: LOVE12


  1. They turned out super cute! Happy Valentine's day to you too!

  2. your mailboxes are so cute!! i got the same ones at target! i don't have the vinyl, but i painted their initial on the front. i got little notepads and we're going to stick the mailboxes with the notepads on their walls. do you put them away after valentine's day?

  3. I just realized that your kids initials are L,M,N, and O. :) Have a wonderful Valentines Day.

  4. These are adorable! (I mean the mailboxes - -but the kiddoes are pretty adorable too!)

    happy valentines day to you! xoxo


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