Stevenson House News...

I mentioned in my last post that some exciting things are happening in the Stevenson home.  Are you ready to hear about them?

First off, Jeff is almost finished with his masters program.  Just one more correspondence course (hooray he's home at night) left!  I cannot wait to proclaim him done and graduated...soon...soon.

But the really big news is WE ARE HAVING ANOTHER BABY!

We are excited to add baby number 4 in March!  We started out our family with the twins who were actually in-vitro babies...we thought we would probably need to start saving for our next round when we found out (on the twins' six-month birthday) that I was pregnant with Norah.  It seems we are cured! :)

I've been very tired and very sick this time which hasn't been fun of course but things are looking up and I'm feeling better and more energized every day....HOORAY!

Anyway, that is our exciting news over here!  Anyone else due close the same time?


  1. Hip, Hip, Hooray!! What joyous news. Hope you continue to feel better and have more energy. ☺

  2. SO HAPPY FOR YOU GUYS! i would tell you that 4 is CRAZY, but you've done twins, so what we're doing over here won't be anything to you! :) hope you get feeling better quickly!

  3. Congrats!!! how exciiiiiiiiting! i just want number 3, myself.... waiting for God's timing and agreement from the hubs:O)
    My Leland's birthday is March 15th- beware the Ides! ;o)

  4. That's so exciting! Congratulations!

  5. What wonderful news. My Sis in law just shared with us that she is expecting in April. I love Spring babies!

  6. You know I'm happy for you! Southwest Airlines watch out 'cause now she gonna have 4 BABIES! HaHaHa! LOL!
    Love ya!

  7. Congratulations on your very exciting news - four is lovely!!!

    Nic xxx

  8. Congratulations, Hannah! What wonderful news. :)

  9. Congratulations, it is not easy. We also had difficult first tree months but later it was great. My girl is now eight month and I am sometimes tired trying to keep up with her schedule :)

  10. Woot woo! I am so excited for you. We always joked that our twins were the 'buy one, get one free' deal, though IVF failed twice for us and we lucked out that a lesser treatment worked.

    Lots of good things happening for you, may it continue with a big fat raise for the spouse post graduation (a girl can dream, right?)

  11. Awwwwww Hannah, that is the most wonderful news! I am so excited and thrilled for you guys!!! Big hugs! All the best! Yippee for babies!

  12. Congratulations Hannah! WHat exciting news!

  13. I just stumbled upon your blog a few days ago and I love it. Thank you again for your better burpie tutorial, can't wait to make some for my new baby. I'm expecting my second in March as well! Congrats on your fourth, hope you can keep up with all those kids and blogging.


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